State of California

Si esta página no se muestra en español, por favor siga estas instrucciones para cambiar el idioma a español.

  • Abra la ventana del navegador en Chrome o Edge.
  • Haga clic en los tres puntos en la parte superior derecha de la ventana para visualizar el menú Vaya a “Settings”.
  • En el lado izquierdo de la ventana del navegador, haga clic en “Languages” para ver las opciones de Idioma.
  • Haga clic en “Add language”, busque español y agréguelo.
  • Se mostrará el idioma español. Haga clic en los tres puntos al lado de español y selecciona “Move to the Top”.
  • La clase de español del CDSS ahora mostrará la información en español.

To view the minimum operating system requirements to take the online orientation, click the following link:  Operation Requirements

If you need assistance or have questions please click the Contact Support Link:    Contact Support


  • Access to the online orientation is for 30 days from the time you registered. After 30 days you will not be able to view or access the course.
  • All of the fields are mandatory.
  • Please complete all of the fields below and enter your payment information.
  • Each participant must have a unique e-mail address to register. Do not use the same e-mail address for multiple participants; you will receive an error message.
  • Upon successful registration, you will be e-mailed a confirmation at the e-mail address you provided.
  • The confirmation e-mail will include instructions on how to log in and take the course.
  • During the registration process, you will be asked to create a password. Please remember your password. You will be asked for the password you created to access the course.
  • It may take up to 24 hours to receive your confirmation e-mail.
  • PLEASE check your junk or spam folder.
  • If you do not receive your confirmation e-mail after 24 hours, contact support for assistance; or use the forgot password option at
  • Do not re-register. Re-registering will result in a duplicate transaction to your credit card.
  • Do not click on the back button during the registration process. Clicking on the back button may result in a duplicate payment.
  • Fees are not refundable.

Orientación de Cuidado de Niños en el hogar
First Name
Last Name
Email Address:
Re-type Email Address:

© 2025 - California Department of Social Services